I’ve been saying it for a while, but the Google Pixel 4a really is right around the corner. And at $349, it’s going to be an interesting device.
Why $349, exactly?
- According to 9to5Google’s Stephen Hall, who has a pretty outstanding bead on all things Pixel-related, the Pixel 4a could be priced at $349 for a 128GB model. Handily, that’s double the standard Pixel 3a’s 64GB storage, and double the iPhone SE’s 64GB storage too.
- That $349 figure was further bolstered by a curious Google survey, apparently caught by a Redditor, showing price points of $349 for “Pixel” and $699 for “Premium Pixel” being considered by Google (r/Android). (And hey, that $699 figure might be Pixel 5 pricing too).
- That was a survey question that popped up in Google Chrome, not via Google Opinion Rewards, in case you were wondering, according to u/Pop-Quiz_Kid.
- More to the point, the sub-$400 smartphone segment in the US, and its possible growing importance given the economy, is going to be very interesting, given the iPhone SE, Samsung A51, and supposed OnePlus Z.
- Even if the same pricing for the 3a was used, $399, that’s still under $400. Right?
What else?
- Latest: The rumors are now that the early Pixel 4a units don’t have Active Edge. This is effectively the squeeze control that’s been around the Pixel line since the Pixel 2.
- Through some clever, small piezoelectrics running on the side of the phone, squeezes can activate the Google Assistant, silence calls, timers, and more.
- But that is, now, apparently, no longer. Which may upset some people who use it! I’m currently driving a Pixel 3a (in advance of the 4a), and it’s both useful but not always accurate. It can not trigger promptly, or trigger by mistake, no matter how I tweak the setup. I loved the concept, and when it works it’s just a nice little thing.
- What is looking like a possible replacement is a double-tap gesture, which can register input without needing a button and may be just as good, but easier? We’ll see.
- Other specs: There are loads of rumors flying around here, but the main things so far is that the Pixel 4a will sport a Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 chipset, an upgrade over the Pixel 3a’s Snapdragon 670, with the same 12MP rear camera but with a much bigger camera housing. That might just be for design language conformity, or it suggests new features. Plus, there’s a punch-hole selfie camera on the front for a bigger display, which should compress the size of the phone overall.
- Release date: Reportedly moved to June 5, 2020, although that’s shaky.
- But if it’s not out by this time next month, I’ll be shocked!
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