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Create A Then We Become A Slave. And That Explains Why We Are Trapped. Because We\'re Trying To Control Something We Can\'t. Feelings. You Can Be Proud Of

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Here's A Quick Way To Solve The For People Who Say Can\'t Live Without That Person In My Life Problem.

For people who say can't live without that person in my life, my question to you is this, Do they care about having you in their life? And if they don't care why would you? If you don't even matter to them, then why should they matter to you? They mean the world to me. We had a beautiful past, we had a history together. But then would have to ask you, Do you mean the world to them? Do they value the beautiful past they've shared with you? Are they honoring the history you talk about? I guess what am trying to say is stop letting them off the hook. Because that keeps you on it. Be fair to others. But most importantly be fair to yourself.

Do You Need A Be Patient To See How Possibilities Translate Into Reality?

Be patient to see How possibilities translate into reality, How hopeful dreams crush monsters. How pain blooms into laughter. How unrelated moments of your life Weave together to make a perfect life.

Don't fall for this when someone leaves us and goes scam.

When someone leaves us and goes, that time we should be angry, or we should be sad too but one thing that we shouldn't do, we shouldn't remain in a state of denial.

Just hug her and say how much you love her!


Do You Make These Simple Mistakes In Almost To The Point Of Losing To You?

Almost to the point of losing to you, feeling like you might torment me, Not wanting you to hear me `no` Swept away by you taken in by you, I shouldn't love you `no` It's not good that I'm so forgetful or it's not good that I'm cowering. Even if I'm wounded and pierced, I want to be able to stand up straight.

The Next 60 Things To Immediately Do About Human Souls Are Like Reflecting Water People Often Speak Or Actually Opposite Of Their True Hearings.

  Human souls are like reflecting water people often speak or actually opposite of their true hearings, but I believe that fundamentally people's hearts wish to connect with and accept each other even with peace.